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Writer's picture Kimberly Atkins


This week, we’re going to talk about the language stimulation technique “modeling”. What is modeling? Modeling is the act of saying the same target word multiple times, in various sentences. You use the word often, but keep it simple. When modeling, try to use the target word 5 times in a given context, but find different ways to say it. Also, speak slower than you think you need to.

Here is an example of modeling with the target word bubble.

“Bubble! Oooh Bubble! Bubble go up. Up bubble. Pop Bubble. More bubbles!”

You can see in this example that the target word bubble was used 5+ times. It’s okay to sound silly! By keeping the other words simple and short, your child is able to focus on the target word with less distractions. You want to be the most interesting thing in the room, to maintain your child’s attention.

Why use modeling? Children need to hear the same word often, before they begin to understand the meaning of the word, or produce the word themselves. Repeating the same word helps your child become familiar with it. Our brains are efficient at processing language, but children’s brains are still growing and learning.

You can use this strategy throughout the day, on a variety of vocabulary and activities.

During meal time, you can model names of foods/drinks, spoon, fork, plate, cup, bowl, drink, eat, more, all done. During bath time, you can model water, bubbles, soap, duck (or other bath toys), wash, towel, splash, pour, on/off, sponge/ washcloth.

Let’s try it! Pick a target word and think of how you would model it.

For more ideas and activities, check out my interactive guide on modeling

Talk soon, Kim

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